Rough & Ready Biker Training
Posted on: March 16, 2016, in Adventure & Fun, Events, News
Friday 26 till Sunday 28 February saw us offering an “Intermediate course to off road riding” at Areena riverside resort near East London and was that a jol and great experience! The resort had gone out of its way to accommodate the various requirements and built the necessary obstacles to ensure our weekend was a success! Staying in luxury, dining as the finest, relaxing in a great atmosphere and all of this while having fun on your bike! What more can one ask!
Want to be part of the next training weekend (20 to 22 May) then get into contact with us on 082 264 0272 or Cost is R2500.00 excluding accommodation!
Areena riverside resort” has made accommodation available at preferential rate’s for our event so contact Carolyn at 043 734 3055 or directly for you requirements!
Thursday 19 May we have an educational evening regarding First On Scene Of Motorcycle Accident. Your entrance fee of R100.00 includes “Ribs, Chips and salad” served at the restaurant and social area “Areena Quays”. This evening (19h00) is open to all and has a lucky draw for one of our upcoming “Intermediate courses”.
Cash bar available! RSVP at 043 734 3055