
Areena Staff on lock down

Posted on: May 4, 2020, in Adventure & Fun, News

It is always great to learn new things about your colleagues, and this stressful time in the tourism industry, when we are in such unknown territory, when positivity counts the most, I have found the Areena team has truly shown their Amazingness.

We always affectionately call ourselves the A team, and now more than ever this is a reality we are all living. Not being able to see each other daily, we have resorted to zoom meetings, what’s app chats and messages to keep the Areena we all know alive.

We have been thinking out the box, sometimes with winning ideas, sometimes with crazy ideas, but changing our mind sets and rewriting protocols, to keep the dream alive. We are learning new skills and putting them to practice.

Together we are weathering the storm, until we all can return to work, and welcome everyone back Areena, the magical place that you all love to enjoy, adventure in and find the wildly peaceful nature that lives here.

staff each holding a sign with a word, which reads, 'we stand together at home, to see you another day # support local, we love you

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