
Abby sends his well wishes to all fighting the COVD -19 outbreak

Posted on: May 4, 2020, in Meet Abby, News

Abby our friendly and famous giraffe, was not to be left out of the encouragement. He took part in a little photo-shoot, just before South Africa was put under lock down, and we thought we would share some of his pictures with you all.


Our staff had some fun with Abby during the shoot, Tarzan one of our Adventure Village adventure activity guides and Charmaine our housekeeper, enjoyed kisses and licking from Abby. Although Tarzan gets to spend loads of time with Abby, guiding many guest interactions with him, Charmaine spends very little time with him, and enjoyed her visit immensely. Charmaine manages our housekeeping department and makes sure that our high standards are met, with her team of ladies they work tirelessly in the background.

We have been sharing the well wishes of Abbys to far flung corners of the world, to share our Areena spirit, hopes and thanks to as many people as we could.


Please feel free to share Abbys wishes on your social media pages, as he would like to extend his thanks to all healthcare workers, essential service providers and those under lock down. He brings smiles to everyone and that is what is needed at this time.

Giraffe and guide holding notice board reading Abby says stay safeGiraffe and lady with sign encouraging hand washing

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