Food Fun Facts
Here are some interesting fun facts about food. Food Fun Facts about Garlic, I bet you did not know! During both World Wars, garlic was used as a wound antiseptic. Garlic was discovered in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun. Many ancient cultures believed that garlic would protect against evil spirits. Garlic contains both Vitamin A…
Our Bees at Areena
The Areena honeybee hives have been busy during lock down. While we have all been at home under quarantine, and lockdown levels, the honey bees have been hard at work gathering pollen, and making honey in our hives. They have been enjoying the winter flowering trees and plants throughout the Areena private game reserve and…
read more >>Areena Quays Restaurant, Year End Functions Menu 2019
Bring your team to Areena Quays Restaurant to celebrate the year, and let us host your yearend lunch or dinner. A variety of buffet menu options to suite your budget are available. Groups of 20 or more can book buffet meals, and smaller groups can book a la carte. Bar facilities are available as well….
Fathers Day 2019 voucher winner
Areena Quays Restaurant The Winner of the Areena Quays Restaurant Father’s Day Sunday Lunch Buffet, Lucky Draw for a 20min Quad Safari for 2 persons, courtesy of Areena Riverside Resort, was Mr Karschagen. Enjoy your prize and we look forward to seeing you again. Pensioners, we welcome you to join us on a Thursday to…